Wednesday 19 January 2011

I'm not very good at remembering my days.

I forgot that today was wishlist wednesday! I've also drawn a blank at what I want... ooh wait, no, as always I want things =D

Ok well first off I really want to buy myself a new set of headphones. Some cans. BUT here comes the issue! I want some noise cancelling ones but not really in black. It's dull! Lookit these!

Skullcandy and Monster Tron edition.

My current cans (not including the Sony MRD-XD100s I have because their headband gives me a headache and thus I can't use them for extended periods) are Skullcandy TI with white fluffy!

Ok who takes a photo of white headphones on a white background? That's just really stupid! The pink ones are for reference so you can see the fluff.

Now these headphones are lovely to wear but you can't have fluffly headphones in the rain or else you just end up a bit soggy. =( So I want some new ones but researching what I want is hard and noise cancellation isn't in pretty colours unless it's Monster in which case £250 please? I can't justify that much. I want ones that are around £50 or less but I don't know how likely it would be. I'll probably end up getting Seinnheiser or some other really pretentious make because they're actually good... but not as pretty =( I might just get the lowrider Skullcandys in blue regardless and say screw you noise cancellation, because looks are everything =p
Does anyone I know have any lowriders? I would like to try before I buy if possible because they're smaller than I am used to. (plzkthnxbaii).

A SD card reader and a new SD card

Ok clearly I'm being overly techy today but a couple of weeks back I broke my SD card reader and now it's stick together with sellotape and doesn't really enjoy working, which is a bother when I want to get my photos off my camera ¬¬ I also want a HUGE ass memcard so I don't need to worry. Mine's 2gb right now and can take approximately 100 dng format photos. with 32gb that's what? 1600ish? that would be lovely and unnecessary but wonderful! I'd settle for an 8 or 16 though =p

I'd like to be able to drive. That's pretty much it. I would like to be able to have complete transportational freedom. Really I would rather have a motorbike but mama says I can't have one until I can drive a car, and also they have boots. Ok so this one has a tiny boot but I really love smart cars. They're cute and I only want to drive a small car, I'm only a rather small person after all! Actually I've grown a bit and I'm apparently average girl sized but nyeh =p
Although I don't want a motorbike as big as daddy's Honda Goldwing (although if you are interested look it up. They're divine!) but I would like something with weight and that goes vrooooooom and not ninnnng (very correct terminology here!).

I like music and freedom and lots of memory storage. LOTS.

Dull reading I know but =p I enjoy blogging

Love Buttercup! xxx

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