Sunday 9 January 2011

Buying stuff is really the best therapy, except when you run out of money

I keep going shopping and it's terrible... terribly wonderful! I've been spending too much but it's fine because it feels good. £40 on CSI, win! especially when it's £5 per half season. That's like 4 whole seasons! Nothing can be wrong with that!
I bought a new bag. Not the one on my wishlist because it didn't have a zip on it and I don't know how I feel about that. Doesn't it mean everything in your bag gets wet when it rains, and seeing as it rains a lot in this country then surely that's a really bad thing! BUT the bag did come from River Island and I feel very grown up with it. I want to use it aaaaaall the time but then it would break and I would be sads. Especially as it was £25. £25?! That's loads! I don't spend this much normally but I've had a major splurge recently, whoops! I keep seeming to trip over and my card goes into the machine and then I fall over on the buttons and accidently press my pin and enter =D

I can't spend much more this month though, except I'm going out tomorrow night which will be divine because dancing will ensue and I really love dancing. I must make sure I remember to pack everything tonight otherwise I will leave something behind when I run for my 8am bus tomorrow ¬¬ I hate early starts.

Another cd review because I have no life and quite enjoy listening rather critically to my music.

Bleach Soundtrack Volume III

Yes it's a little different to what I have covered so far but I listen to a fair few soundtracks so they were bound to rear their heads at some point or another. This, for those of you who know the anime, is from the arrancar arc. The music is heavily influenced with Spanish music because for some reason the arrancars (in this case the baddies, mostly) are numbered in Spanish and that's kind of their thing. Half of the tracks on this album are really really good because I love those spanish guitar bits with strings and brass. It's actually really nice and energetic but then, like a lot of mainstream anime it has to have "silly" music for the bits of the anime where they act stupid or someone does something daft. It's actually annoying. I want a full album of the good stuff thanks but I guess if that were the case I would listen to a full album of Spanish music by some Spanish dude instead.

It's a confused three stars because I honestly don't know how to rate this album. Some of them are so good and some of them are so bad in my opinion but three stars to me implies an average album, kinda bland, not a wildly varied in ratings album but it will have to do.


Love y'all, Buttercup xxx

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