Showing posts with label really long blog post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label really long blog post. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Love is free and life is cheap and as long as I've got me a place to sleep

I went and saw Frank Turner on Saturday with a few folks (although it was just me and Tarq for the actual gig because we all arrived at different time and some of us had different types of tickets) but we were all at the same place at the same time and it was awesomes! I mean I got there after a 7hr shift (where there was no sitting) to a gig (with no sitting) and I was jumping up and down and dancing and shouting the songs (whoops, and now my throat is broken... but I'm actually ill as well) and it was awesome. He was so excellent live and definitely on my list to see again :D

But that was only a couple of days ago and I haven't been on here in aaaaaages. Since then I have changed my number and I'm now 24. There have been pandas, fireworks, stress, ill, more ill, happy occurrences, food, drinks, too much drinks, far too many rehearsals, scores left right and centre, singing, dancing, shoes, love, happiness, work, posh meals, flute concertos, dresses and orange tights.

I also discovered that safety lighters have good reason to be so, since I've just singed my thumb with it. Kinda hurt but seems fine now.

Actually there are some dilemmas happening. Firstly I do many rehearsals a week (6 at the last count if I make it to all of them in a week but that depends on work and if I am well enough), and then I want to see people outside rehearsals and to have nice relaxing times, but I have to fit in all the commission work that I'm doing that I don't have time to sort out my room (and the dining room because it's messy from the last bookmouldday) that it's in a permastate of untidy. I've lost my pokemon emerald that I bought ages ago and didn't have time to start and now would rather like to but it's nowhere to be found. Really what I need to do is completely empty my room and put things back slowly and all in the right places instead of in as many corners as a box room can have, and then the sides as well, and any space in the middle. I need to reorganise my shelves, pokemon cards, desk, floor, wardrobe but where is the time?! I don't know. I nearly always have a relatively clear doorway though because I constantly start tidying whenever I've had a hurricane day and couldn't work out what to wear and everything is on the floor, and then I don't have time, or I get bored or something else happens. But at least I can get into my room I guess :)

I'm very content though. In life. Right now. This instant. No lies. I don't know how that happened and probably tomorrow I'll be off on another emotion but today, even with everything ever that is there (mostly sneezing, not talking and snufflying) I'm content. I'm not famous, I'm not special in that regard. But I have people I love and people who love me and that is all that is really important. I know so many brilliant people, who make me insanely jealous of all their wonderfulness and stuff, and I'm so lucky to have all of that. I'm contentedly overwhelmed. I used to think 'why me? why do people stay with me and talk to me?" but now it's "well why not?". This isn't arrogance (at least not intentionally) but just acceptance that I'm not that bad a person. I try hard to be nice and to not make people sad. I try to help when I can so actually it's ok. I don't need to worry about why people are there. They are. Accept it. Enjoy it. Have a great fucking time :D I mean I still stress out all the time about everything ever but I'm also ok with a lot of things too.

I am also a panda heroine. Srsface. :| It's what makes me awesome. 

You know what I like? Trees, books, flowers, dry crisp days, the future, christmas, dreams, sleeping but waking up to snuggles, music, laughing, pokemon, pandas, candy, masterchef. omg I love masterchef! It's so good and the general public can't mess it up by voting for whoever is the prettiest because it's a cookery programme and so it's people who know their stuff who choose who stays and who goes. There was a man who made a carrot cake in a plant pot. It was amazing! I wish the BBC put people's recipes (the ones that work) on the internet so people can make the things themselves. I would totally make potted carrot cake for people I know. I even know where I can get little pots from. And tin buckets! In all different colours. Could have a whole series of cute baked goods in quirky cases. I think in the tin buckets I'd put paper cases though because I don't know how the metal would effect the taste. Wouldn't want it to taste bad because that would be sad.
Although I don't want to be a chef like that. I would rather like to do confectionery. I have a book. I have a thermometer (very important). I just need a marble slab and a heavy copper pan and I can get started on most of hte basics. Well ok I'll need ingredients too but htat part is kinda obvious. I don't like cooking big things like cakes or meal dishes. I mean they're ok but not really my thing. I like making cupcakes because they're little and fun and you can put random things in and they taste awesome. My favourite is to put jam or lemon curd in them. It makes them soft and moist and flavoursome without resorting to artificial flavours. And if the jam has fruities in it then you get chunks of strawbs or whatever you chose. Or you can put the jam in the icing. Both work :D if you put jam in the sponge they don't go stale as quickly because they aren't dry to begin with. But I like making sweet things and little things. Much more interesting. I might try making biscuits because I'm meant to make some for the work "do" because we all have to take things. I reckon this means a trip round the different cookery shops/parts of shops to get some christmas themed cutters! I'll probably try to make a double batch and keep some at home for family and friends.
The only problem with that food is that it rots your teeth and is very calorific. I know you shouldn't worry too much about that kind of thing but practise means perfect and practise means lots of sweetythings to eat and eat and eat. But good fun times. And if they were good enough I could give them to people as presents and then it'd be cool because they'd be different to the ones in the shops and awesome.
Like I said I like dreaming.

I had an epic plan for a thing but now I think I might be too ill to pull it all off. Gonna try though :D it'll be exciting if it works. I'm not a planning type but some things just feel like they should happen, you know what I mean?

Tomorrow I'm going to try and sort some things out to make life even more awesome. Today I feel all the love and contentness for everything and everyone. I have some plans and some interesting things to think about over the next couple of weeks to try and put into motion. Most of which will never see fruition but if even one or two things happen then maybe the others will happen in time. I always say tomorrow. Technically this will happen today. I best sleep so I can get on with my plans. I think my brain is all bzzzted out. I can see my 24th year being awesome (although I just wondered is it not technically my 25th year since your first year doesn't have a number? Ummm... well this year anyway :D). You know what will make it awesome? I will. I will make sure it is awesome because of everything and everyone. So I will and you will. We will make it awesome come hell, high water or any other obscure weather this country would like to try!

I have love, I have life, I have a bed (or two), clothes and food. I don't need anything more.

Until next time,
all of the loves
Buttercup xxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, 20 August 2012

I will ride, I will fly, chase the wind and touch the sky

I don't really remember how much time has passed since my last blog. It says the last post was 25th June but that doesn't mean an awful lot in real money to me. I have a few milestones but they all seem to happen in one lump at the start of August and really nothing happened in July.
  • My books acquired mould again, very much against what I had hoped but that is the way life is. I still don't have my primary bookshelves anymore, which makes my room look bigger but sader because books are lovely! It chose to occur when no-one was at home except for me (of course) and so that was hella stressface all over!
  • Printing orchestral scores is a pain in the arse and highly stressful too. I don't recommend it to anyone (unless you are a professional printer or you enjoy inducing stress in your life, in which case by all means and do you fancy doing mine in the future?). However the scores looked pretty good even with the few hiccups that occurred, but we'll know better for next time :D
  • Putting one half of my first pet to sleep. This was very much the most traumatic and it was worse because parents weren't home to deal with such issues (so I made Jonaface deal with the vets for me) and Tarq was in all day rehearsals which he couldn't miss. Her sister is still with me but I worry that she's going to get les mis (because rattybums do so). I still love her to pieces though.
  • Iolanthe. After all that stress and sad the show was pretty good. I'm still apprehensive about it but mostly because I just wish I could do better. However I have been told that it sounded and looked fabulous so that's all that really matters :D that and everyone seemed to have a fantastic time! In fact I'm going to elaborate a little on Iolanthe thoughts right here and now but in a haphazard sort of way :P
Score carrying, constant rechecking, front seat, Panda driving, Les Miserables belting and half casting, over the mountain, through little villages, remeeting and new meeting, little cottage, spiral staircases, lots of talking, fun times and laughing, expensive taxi, cosy bedding, early morning, detour breakfast (not open, back to tescos), flute and piccolo playing, photo taking, wrists breaking, parent meeting, performance time, new dress (very exciting), avoiding anyone in white, pretty sure lunch was somewhere, showtime starting, not bad overture, photos midperformance, MD missing, 2nd act, applause, packing up, get out quick, dump stuff, Panda, pubtime talking, soup snack eating, chinese foodles, tastynom, travel back home with acquired Annak, sleep times again, lazy start, dreams are shattered and ice cream is dust, dreams reborn, TINY TRAIN, sweetie shop, breakfast time, 14 rolls and 16 rolls, old books and dice, new books and maps, Penistone and being sworn at by locals, tiredout, home time.

  • Started second job, it was pretty good and easy enough (we were on a quiet bar that served the boxes so there was minimal customer contact). Hoping to get many more shifts but certainly don't have enough hours to move out yet >:( it is all of the rubbish.

Those are all the things that I think I have done of note recently. I haven't really been up to much, taking a break from G&S because MY GOD too much in one week much! Although I do miss G&S uni group and it's weekly rehearsals and seeing those people and I miss G&S second group (I don't remember if I gave names anywhere but I try not to use any names ever in anything because I enjoy it :P) and the people there, I will be very much glad when it all starts up again even though that means stresstastic times for me as I have two scores currently in progress and another two that may or may not make an appearance (one my brother is dealing with... aaaat some point and the other isn't confirmed yet). This whole G&S malarky seems to take over lives and I swore I wouldn't let it happen but it has and I'm not 100% complaining :P not yet anyway!

Last night I was lying in bed and my brain was composing. I was writing music and I thought to myself, should I get up (even though I've already gone to bed and am starting to go to sleep) and write and write and write (or possibly sit in front of a computer screen and curse my inability to create the things that are in my head even though they are there and waiting) or sleep at a decent time (like I have been for quite a few nights now) and hope that inspiration does not desert me. I chose the latter and inspiration did indeed desert me like a stealthy thing in the night. WHICH IS A MAJOR BOTHER! *mental salute to Maj. B* I am forever losing these moments and yes I should have just got out of bed and hoped that I wasn't still working on things until 4am but I didn't and blah!
It was after watching Brave (which, by the way, made me cry more than once because I am a sap and Pixar are just too good at everything) and the whole folky music style thing which I've been wanting to do for ages because I've been contemplating writing music with a purpose but haven't quite got round to doing anything about it. Maybe I should do some concept arts on the matter and make an immersive world and scenes and stuff and compose to that but anyway, it got me totally wired and thinking about stuff that I wanted and I was getting little riffs and instrumentation and linking phrases from one to the other and it was awesome and now it's all gone (verysadface).

Brave reminded me that I wanted to learn Gaelic (technically I wanted to learn Irish Gaelic because I love Clannad's music but Scottish Gaelic would be just as fun). Actually one thing I didn't quite get was the ages of people when they were young. Those three tiny boys, I have no idea how old they are meant to be but they seem older than their stature would make you presume. They are brilliant though. The whole thing is wonderful and I'm so glad that they made it.
I'm also hella glad that I've ordered the ost already so that when it arrives I can listen to it and hopefully be inspired. I'll have to work fast on concept arts and things for what I want to do although whether I can get everything done in time is another matter.

I also want to try and plan another NaNoWriMo but I don't know if I can, at least not in time for this November, but it's always worth trying, if I don't start now then November will be here and then it will be too late to plan for this one but too early to pressure me into planning for the next one. I'm just not sure where or when I want to set. I mean I never specify in any of my stories on that matter but is it a dystopian future, a rural past, a parallel to our own time? This planetesque? Outer spaceesque? I have a few, really I should work on L'u and Dust but I worry it's too similar to other stories I know but since I'm never going to publish it does it really matter? I worry I don't have enough to get me going but then even though I planned Snow for about 3 years I didn't know a lot about the story until I started NaNo. Will I jsut end up recycling characters too much? Will I always have an emphasis on music even accidentally that it bores people?
I should really finish Snow. I mean it has beginning, middle and end but somewhere in the middle it got to the bit that I couldn't be bothered to write out fully and so I did it in note form. I mean I still hit 50k in the month but it's not a complete novel currently and it's been a couple of years since I tackled it so I might be ok delving back into it. I should also look at what material I can salvage from previous writings, I have so many snippets, mostly from the same type of universe, that I should try and bring, at least the ideas from, together. I don't want to be a writer, many of my friends either do or have gone through that as an idea, but I don't want to be a writer at all. I don't really want to have a job that relies too much on a constant stream of creativity. I just want to get ideas flowing, concepts brewing, world creating!

I'm just finishing the fourth (and final?) book in an excellent "twilight" series:
I was rather surprised 1. with the fact that for once Blogger has let me place the covers in the correct order with minimal fuss (comparatively) and 2. that this Russian series has a lot more to offer than the first film shows. If I remember correctly the first film is actually the first third of The Night Watch (the book) (although I was aware of something that happened in The Day Watch (book) that I think happens in TNW (film) which kinda confused me). It is certainly an interesting series and ok, yes, yet again we have magicians, witches, vampires and werewolves (and others) but it seems to be covered in a thick dusty layer of realistic grey and brown (like so many computer games these days that are known as "gritty realism"). However this does not detract from it (actually it is very much more grey than brown based on the twilight levels but that is something that should be read about and not spoilerised) and certainly takes away all this Disneyfication that fantasy has taken to doing currently (I'm thinking Harry Potter, Twilight and all that spawned after it). Although yes those books are for children/YA but this (whilst only found in the sci-fi/fantasy section in book shops, well away from YA/kids etc.) isn't exactly difficult to read and could have gone down the whole vampires are misunderstood/evil route but kind of sits in the middle of vampires are just vampires like people are just people. Not everyone is "evil" even if they are Dark and not everyone is "good" even if they are Light. It doesn't do a whole lot of moral stories though, just that people (or in this case Others) are just as unfortunate and messed up as everyone else. They are branded as one type or another but means about as much as the branding of a football team in the reality of everything. It's very good and the covers are excellent, imo.
I only had the first and the last to begin with. I had picked up the first I think new from Waterstones or somewhere, probably in a sale or in a special offer, because it was pristine and it is unlikely that you get those from secondhands. The last was a charity shop buy (Oxfam if I remember correctly but that might be a fabrication). When I started on the first and discovered that I was enjoying it I jumped straight onto and bought the next one (and then the third even though it would have made more sense to buy both at the same time but I'm trying really, really, really hard not to buy new books currently so though it best to wait and see on the matter and it came almost just in time for me to start reading after finishing the second book). One of the most interesting things about it though is less on the stories (which are good) and the writing (which is also very nice) but that when it mentions a thing that occurred in another book there is an asterisk and a note telling you where this information comes from. It happens not too often that you want to hit either the author, or the translator, or the publisher for allowing it to be on the page, but just often enough that it jogs memories when things are mentioned. My favourite one (and so far has only happened once and I'm half way through the second story of book 4) is on page 78 of The Last Watch:
"This story is told in the movies Night Watch and Day Watch."
I was amused :3

I've probably wittered enough for now (and maybe the next couple of months or so :P) and I want to try and finish this book tonight because things are getting intense and it's exciting! Maybe next time a little less rambly and a few more pictures? Although my blogs are nearly always more a higher ramble to picture ratio, I think it's just the way I am (and I use this as a omg-all-of-my-brain-be-out-on-this-digitalised-form-of-paper).

Love and fluffythings,
Buttercup xxxxxxxxx

Saturday, 24 September 2011

I think the ocean stole my watery soul

So to distract me from life when I can't be arsed to do anything I have taken to spending too much time on two websites:
FYB has some of the nicest bedrooms you will ever see, some lived in, some not digitally rendered, some hotel and some catalogue. I love it a lot but there is one problem, it makes me wish I had a nicer room. I live in a tightly packed box. I would love to have more storage or less stuff, or somewhere else to put all my stuff but whilst I live with my parents that is not an option. Also by my horderish nature I can't reduce the amount of stuff. I can try but it will never be at a low enough amount that I have space.
It does remind me on how much I love fairy lights though and I must remember to:
  1. Buy some more at Christmas, including light rope if I can afford it
  2. Stop putting all my fairy lights in the loft with the Christmas decorations because I can't use them up there
I like having a lot of light in my room. For those who don't know my room I have a cabin bed. Great for extra space, not so good for lighting. It's nearly always really dark at my desk unless I have my desk light on and then it's dark everywhere else if the main light isn't on. I'm used to a lot of light in my room as well because I have a west facing window so I get all the fabulous sunsets filling my room with golden hues. It's a lot more useful for me than the east facing window my brother has because mornings will never be my thing.

I also want more glow in the dark stars. Not the stickers but the plastic ones you can stick on your ceiling with blu-tac. I suppose I could use paint but I like the thought of changing my ceiling every so often to match the stars outside and paint is kinda messy and a faff to get right instead of just putting them up and dealing with any mistakes as you find them. I can currently only find eleven and whilst that is the very best number in the world I would like more thanks. It's actually not that easy to get them cheaply either. I don't really want to spend £5 on 20 stars. I feel like that should be maybe half that cost but I haven't bought glowy stars in ages. Currently I have a rough constellation of Draco on my ceiling (it's in the sky at the moment with the Draconid shower, not because of the Harry Potter character) but I'm missing two stars from the complete constellation because I simply don't have enough. It would also be nice to be able to have more than one constellation on my ceiling but I would have to make them smaller then. It's actually lovely looking up at the stars before going to sleep. Granted the bed is a lot closer to the stars than is necessary (I can touch them if I reach out ) so it's quite bright but it's actually rather soothing. I'd like to have them coming down onto my walls but again that would require many many more glowy stars than I currently have. Many.
I also don't want to have just packs of one size. I like being able to differentiate the size of the stars in the constellations with different sized glowies. I have three different sizes at the moment but some packs don't give you different sizes. Or they give you like moons and meteors and planets. I don't really care for those, in fact I think I binned all the meteors from my last set. They weren't particularly insulting I just didn't really want them. I don't know how I feel about different coloured glowies either. I have a slightly orange star and a very blue star. I find the blue doesn't really show up at all unless you don't look at it. Other colours are kind of ok but really green is where it is at. They glow the best and it just looks good!

We <3 It is a place where people put images that they like and have found on the internet for other people to look at and enjoy. It is updated constantly, depending on how fast people are uploading. There is normally at least one new image every second or thereabouts. I use it to search for new hair dying ideas or to find new pictures to draw from or just to pass the time. You can often see if someone is posting a lot of similar images so sometimes you get a vein of a theme going on. My favourite is when people start linking cakes. Pretty cakes are so win. I would like to make lots of pretty cakes actually. I don't really like cooking but I enjoy baking quite a bit. I just don't because my brother is better at it than I am and getting the motivation when you know that you aren't as good as someone else in the house is hard work. Hopefully I'll start making some tasty deserts though. I know that practise makes perfect but practise is hard work and time consuming.
Urgh he isn't online. I'll ask later ¬¬. Oooh I'm having some excellent cake ideas for my birthday party/Halloween time :D I will have to try it out first though to make sure it works fine.Om a nom a nom a cake a gone.

Actually on the topic of Halloween I reckon it's my favourite day of the year. It's right in the middle of my favourite season (autumn), the day after my birthday and you get to dress up and have fun :D although I will confess to you that I have never been trick or treating. Well... ok one year, at my party (that was on Halloween) all my friends get really antsy because they wanted to go trick or treating so mama agreed that we could go to two houses (next door and a family down the street that I knew). Then they were all "we're going to keep going" and I was like "well fine then but I'm going home because mama doesn't like trick or treating and I said I would be back straight away". They did come back about a minute after me but that was almost going to have me really sad. The only other time I was going to go trick or treating I had my dance lesson that day and so by the time I got home the people I was going to go with had already gone out and so I didn't get to go. Although mama did say she would go with me, which was nice of her seeing as she hates the whole concept. I declined and continued with my les mising. I'm kind of ok not having been trick or treating ever. I think this year I'm going to put more black and orange ribbons in my hair, it'll clash wonderfully with the pink dye :D I might even see if there are any cute spidery ones or ghosty ones. And I'll be all stripes and fabric and it shall be bon. Actually since Halloween is on a Monday this year I might do all of that on the Saturday for going outness. Or maybe I'll do it on both days. Nothing wrong with lots of Halloween.

Anyway the point is that I love Halloween. I'm not sure why really. It's just awesome. Oh and it's really close to bonfire night and I really love bonfire night too. I love fireworks. I love the sparklies and the whizz bang and the smell of the bonfires and the burnt powder. Actually some years I prefer bonfire night to Halloween. They're both pretty awesome. It's the wrapping up warm to stand outside for a couple of hours whilst daddy and brother set up the fireworks and light them. It's the standing with mama choosing what will be next and having gloved hands put over my ears when it gets too loud. It's the tiny crackle of sparklers and the slight fear that it might hurt even though it never has before. The burnt after image of a firework. The Catherine wheel that never seems to turn right until daddy goes and hits it. Trying to work out where best to light everything in the garden depending on the wind and the plants or trees around. The whipcrack of your neck as a rocket wheees off into the sky at an angle. The different names that make them sound interesting. the occasional disappointment that suddenly bursts into brilliance at the last moment. Writing your name with the sparkler and then just making circles because you forgot how long they last.Sitting up all night with the curtains open, watching the best that the city has to offer from the fabulous view over a school field. Walking down the street yelling "bang" every time a firework goes off, hunting for it before it fades to nothing but smoke.

The week after my birthday is the best week of the entire year.

I've really cheered myself up with all of that. Actually this year that week is going to be a billion times better because on the fourth I'm seeing Evanescence in London with Blue. It's going to be so fucking fantastic. We're going cyber shopping and phototaking and sightseeing and hostel staying and it's all just going to be fab.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :D

Lemons of love to you all

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

All you can do is try to know who your friends are (warning, this post is loooooooooooooooong).

I would say that it started out as a feeling, which then turned into a hope. But that would be one, cliché and two, taking song lyrics and pretending that I'm deep. I'm not deep, I just spout bullshit, but seeing as it's my bullshit it feels special to me. Really, it started out with a walk, a bruised shin, a bus ticket, an ant and a dead bird in the road. That's probably how it started out. Unless you really want to be deep in which case it may have started with the creation of the universe. But I'm not and I don't so bus tickets and dead birds it is.

I don't remember how all of it happened, that is one problem that I can allow myself to accept as true. I have a horrific memory of things. Thoughts, conversations, what I did, ate, drank, it all leaves me pretty easily. So I'm typing this after it has all been through my mind. I need to carry a notebook at the very least or maybe my palmtop. Then at least I could note down the basics while they whiz through my head. As it is I am at my computer composing my blog on OpenOffice because I dislike MSWord and the internet is inexplicably down. On the plus side spell checking is easier this way. So yes, I won't remember all the bullshit that I thought and that I thought was pretty mindblowing for me. Ok so it wasn't but like I said, it's mine so it's special to me.

I was walking to the bus stop. The walk through town isn't too bad actually. I do it often enough that I know the route and how fast I can generally manage it but at the same time I don't do it so often that I want to destroy the world caused by the boredom of the same route day after day. That actually is rather how going to school during sixth form felt. That walk was not one I enjoyed. Similarly the one from my uni house to either uni or town or really anywhere. They all generally followed the same route and after doing that with a full rucksack of tins and pasta from the weekly shop that was about an hour's walk it got dull very fast. But this, as often happens, is digression.
I don't know if I even thought of my through town. My back is sore and I wanted to get home and change my clothes. It was mostly the bus trip home but the cogs start turning before you get there.

Buses. I really enjoy buses. I know of a few people, at least, who don't. Who will pointedly refuse to use them if they can help it. But I love them. They're quieter than metros and less effort than walking. Cheaper than taxis and I can't drive, nor can I rely on my parents to ferry me around everywhere. Buses are just nice. I like to sit and think. Often I read, if the day is not a thinking one, sometimes I listen to music, sometimes I play on my DS, and I think you get the picture by now, but today I thought. I wanted to write that I thank :p.

Today was a thinking day. I had even put my book to the top of my rucksack in case I wanted to read but no, cogs were turning and things were thinking. So yeah, here goes, thoughts.

Firstly I've watched two films today, prior to the bus. One was I Am Number Four and the second was Beastly. Both have the Stormrider guy in them. If I had internet, by the way internet you suck and I was trying to remind you that through the use of italics but to no avail, I would look up his name. I could journey downstairs because we have the Stormrider film, presumably Daddy bought it because it was cheap and said action on it, but if I do that then I might lose my train of thought and I'm still too lazy to do things like that right now. Also food is nearly ready and I don't want to waste valuable typing time that I have just wasted explaining when I could have just got the DVD. Just how things work, eh?
Neither film was, let's say, a work of art. Nor were they particularly Oscar material, although with awards you never can tell if they will throw you a curve ball. But they were kinda cute and started the cogs. IAN4 had a female in it (the main cheerleader in Glee who gets pregnant, and if you tell me that that is a spoiler then sorry but it happens in like the first five episodes of the first season and they make a literal huge song and dance about it and I'm sure it is one of the lesser plot spoilers that I could give away). She is an ok character. Ignoring her back story the things that interest me most about her is that she takes photographs almost all the time (you later discover she develops the film at school and thus explaining how she uses all these bitchin' old cameras and can afford to develop about five films a day) and that she has a scrap book. Now I'll start with the obvious point; I would like to start a scrap book. This is easily solved. I go out, buy a reasonably priced blank book or even a specifically designed scrap book from somewhere like Paperchase, which does contain such items. It's filling them that I have a problem with. I'm always scared to make things permanent in specifically designed books like that. But say I get over that part and say I pick up a pen and get some pictures, photographs, objects, then what? What do I write? Hers looked interesting and therein itself lies a problem. I do not find myself interesting. Oh yes I can say things that are worth saying twice sometimes if only because they were amusing once or possibly touched upon things that were of interest but to be interesting? I don't even know where I would begin. Would I write where I wanted to visit and what I thought? Would it not then become like a personal blog? Although that would be really awesome in itself regardless of the fact that it could be then classified as a diary and I'm not a Dear Diary sort of person because I get bored easily. But maybe I'll try a personal blog. I guess I could try and be interesting once in a while :p.

The second part, and the one that I can not do anything about even if I tried, is that these films, about teenagers in schools doing school things, make me wish I had done more in school. I feel like I did it all wrong. Not in the sense that I got particularly bad grades or I didn't have any social life because I at least passed in those, not in flying colours mind you but passed and that's the main thing there. No I watch these programmes and films and I read these books and I think 'damn, I wish I had been like that'. I'll back up a minute though because I am by no means saying that I regret how I did at school. I have a policy of specifically not regretting the things that I have done, even if I feel bad for them later. The bad feeling isn't regret, it's more likely guilt. But all actions can be learned from and regretting them wouldn't help me to learn from them so I accept them as a part of life. So I don't regret how school went, I just wished I had been more awesome. I still wish I was back at school. I want to be learning maths and science again. I want to be doing homework and trying to study for exams. I want to have a bag full of books with notes written in them and text books with information in them. But I can't go back to then, unless we get time machines but even then I would be the wrong age, so really I should try and apply this to the now. Become the person that I wish I had several years ago. But that in itself is a tricky thing. How do you become that when everything seems so pointless most of the time and time itself just seems to wander by without caring that you haven't got up yet or that you are wasting a couple of hours playing a game or browsing the internet? How do you get round this when the very concept of being proactive is like a knife in your face because come on, it's a horrible word! It implies doing things and that requires energy and caring... that's what these films do to me! Damn you films for starting these cogs a-turning. Damn you and your people who are better simply because you've created them thusly. I wonder if I could sue them for emotional stress, you can sue people for everything else these days.

I told you, bullshit. I can go for days. Get me on a bad day and I may not say a single word to you but get me when I'm good and man I can talk for hours with just an occasional nod or an mmm to keep me going. Once I get going I enjoy going and I will keep doing it until I stop. The natural stop. Where everything is said and nothing needs to be said any longer.

So yes I bruised my shin, oh wait I didn't even check it. I think I'll check it to find out if it is bruised. Hurt like a... well, like walking your shin into a metal pole. A simple misjudgement of space and you can enter a small world of pain. Chance. Tricky bastard.
Just a little one, (in the process of typing that I banged my opposite knee, guess it was feeling less loved and wanted attention) but because it's on my shin it's going to hurt pretty bad for a while. They're nasty to bruise.

The bus ticket was important. It still is important. They bother me and I can give you a pretty good reason. Development. Ok, again, let us digress here and explain this. I've already written one and two thirds of an A4 side of paper so I may as well keep going. I am not against development. It's generally a good thing. But then they make things or change things that didn't need to happen. It's the progression of time verses technology. Maybe change was the wrong word. It is the exponential growth of technology from the last twenty or so years. I will use myself as an example because, that is what I should know best, and against that I will use the modern day culture I see all around me. About ten years ago I was starting high school. I'm going to count the years to make sure, ok nine but three tier system means that my high school started in year nine instead of year seven. So let's say ten years ago I was just entering high school. I think I had a mobile phone but it was, even in those days, pretty sturdy and well built. Simply put it was a bit of a brick. A nice looking brick with polyphonic ringtones (oh the luxury!) and I spent approximately £10 a year on credit. I had a Game Boy color from a few years back but I didn't carry it around school in case I lost it. I used a CD walkman that sometimes skipped when I was walking if it was joggled.
When I finished my last day of compulsory education at the age of sixteen I recorded the events with a camera. That used film. That required developing later. Ok. I've pushed this point before but seriously, technology is out of hand. I've seen children at about the age of eight with a smartphone and an iPod. They have no concept of money. And that makes me feel like I'm a million years old! I know, I sound like someone's grandparent. I do believe that kids should have mobile phones because they are a fabulous way of contacting people, but they don't need the high end phones with a contract of £30 a month. It's, I would say it is ridiculous but actually I'm just kind of scared of it. They whole scenario of how things are in that regard is terrifying. We are a species of waste already, and people just keep making more things to outdate the old ones. I mean I'm hideously materialistic but all of this is scary. I fear for where our culture will take us. I genuinely do fear for the next generations of people. But that is not a bus ticket.
As you know, because I told you so earlier, I love buses. From where I live there is only one type of bus that I can get. I call them green buses because that is the majorative colour that they are (although technically it's more of a turquoisey blue green colour but I still call them green. I think they have more green than anything else but I can't see one to confirm that, damned memory). So these green buses are the bus provider that I've known the longest. Another provider used to share one of the bus numbers that I use and they would be known as either the reds or the oranges depending on your colour preference, but since there isn't another red or orange it is fine with either, but they stopped a while a go. Actually thinking about it it can't have been more than about four years. Time passes mysteriously. Actually they weren't the same as the red or orange ones that I know of, that is why I was getting confused (I just looked the bus up and they are red and blue not orange, orange are the other ones so forget them). Ok so to clarify, because I think even I would get lost in all of that there used to be a red/blue bus but now all there are are greeny buses from round here. Regardless of the colour they both had the same shape tickets and they were both made of the same paper. Essentially the same ticket with slightly different information on them. They are so familiar and so wonderful because it was a part of my childhood, going into town with my mama and having this ticket to get there and back again like a Hobbit's tale but easier and less work on the legs.

They have changed the tickets.

They are now like the buses that are actually orangey (and blue) and I dislike those tickets. They are shiny feeling and have a weird layout and are just different. So they are easier to read. They aren't long and thin and good as bookmarks! They are squarish and feel bad in the fingers. I think if they were going to change them that much they should have made them smaller. I've seen the size of the metro tickets in Japan (in a photo) (although I don't suggest using ones that small because that would be too easily lost) and even the size of the normal metro tickets are smaller. Why, if they had an urge to change them, didn't they make them smaller and this use fewer resources? Needless to say, it bothers me. More than it really should but it does and it is not something that can be helped. It is such as life.

This has all taken me rather a while to type. Unsurprisingly though it only took about five minutes to think of these things. And things have been lost in transit and in time, things that will never be found again but that is ok. They were meant to go that way.

Somehow I meandered into the territory of the concept of infinity but I can't remember if it was before or after the ant. I think it was probably after the ant. It was pretty something.

The ant was lost.

For starters it was on a bus. My first thought was 'ahhhhh fuuuuuuck and ant!' because I do not have a liking for them. In fact rather the opposite. I would rather they weren't near me. This one was near me. It was on the windowsill beside me, walking away from me. My second thought, therefore, was 'oh shit it was right beside or possibly on me'. I very very much dislike things, like insects, being on me, especially if I hadn't realised it was there. There is too high a risk of it being accidentally squished on me and I don't like touching dead things. (Incidentally I don't mind touching cooked meat or sushi. That's a different, more edible, kind of dead that, well, if I can't touch it with my fingers I probably couldn't put it in my mouth now could I? That would just be backwards and silly!) I especially dislike dead insects and flies and spiders and moths. Bleh! But this ant was not dead nor was it coming towards me so I allowed myself to watch it for a while. An unsual indulgence for me but one with a reward.

The ant was lost.

The significance is not that the ant was on the bus but that it was lost. Genuinely confused as to where the fuck it was. It scuttled along for a bit, I was about to use walk but those legs look pretty fast, about a centimeter or two and then stopped and then looked around. This continued about three times before Mr. Ant-chan decided to see what was at the edge of the windowsill and promptly fell off onto the shoulder of the man in front, possibly with flailing legs (the ant not the man). And from this occurrence I thought one thing.

In this world, even ants can lose their way.

Don't start taking this literally and pulling my sentence apart. I'm, for once, going to tell you that here I am being deep and meaningful in my bull. I mean the ant was actually lost because of how they work. They follow tracks that other ants have made on the ground and obviously this one had no track to follow but I'm also thinking mentally here. I'm finding myself becoming increasingly lost in everything. The modern world is swamping me and I don't know if I could answer any important questions on ideas and beliefs very satisfactorily. Why are we here? What do I think about religion? Which political party would I put myself under? What do I believe will happen when I die? (not in a 'my body with rot and feed the earth' literal way). Do I even think I have a soul? Where did it come from? Etcetera etecetera. You get the picture. I think of these things on occasion and I draw a blank. I've never really worked out what I believe in and what my ideas are on most topics. I know that some things are socially wrong like thieving and killing people.

But even that can get complicated because sometimes stealing something is right and some people are bad. But then what exactly is the scale on who is bad and who isn't? Who gets to decide what is right and wrong? One person's right may be another person's wrong and this is what confuses me.

I am lost.

I have very little sense of self. I can tell you that I am twenty-two years, nine months and two days old, give or take. I am fifty-four kg and 5'6” approximately. I have pink hair but am naturally brunette, have blue/green/grey eyes with a tiny bit of yellow/brown around the pupil. I wear a knot wring on my right hand, second finger and have, from the last count I remember, sixteen fillings. I can tell you who I am physically. But the self. My self. I don't know what that is. Are my likes and dislikes my sense of self? Are my thoughts, ambitions, desires, beliefs, are they all my sense of self? Experiences, memories? Is all of that what makes a 'self'? If someone is to ask you to describe yourself you either give a list of things you are or what you are not. What am I not? What am I? Who am I? This has all become rather too complex for such a brief, conversational piece such as this.

I am lost in myself, the world and nothing at all.

After the ant came infinity. I love the sense of infinity. Things going for ever and ever and evolving but essentially lasting forever. But what is infinite? I suppose numbers are infinite because you can write a number and half it and half it and half it for all time and still be able to half it again. But those aren't real things. Numbers aren't really real. Like words aren't really real. A cat is just a cat because we decided it to be but it could easily be a duck. Although that might confuse the ducks, or the cat if it tried to swim on a pond. Numbers and words are just something we made up to explain the things we see and experience. What about something physical? There is an issue with that no matter if you follow science or religion on the creation of the universe. The universe started somewhere, somehow, somewhen (so long as you follow one of the creation theories, I don't know about those who don't so let's just use those two ideas for now, God and The Big Bang). Both required a beginning, whether that was fiat lux or BANG! there was a beginning. Thus destroying any hope of infinity in the pure sense. Or at least what I believe to be infinity. Take the symbol. 8. Ok turn it on its side because I could look through the character map but they're the same picture really. There is no beginning and no end. It loops round on itself. That is infinity.
And what about the most concrete infinite thing that we can conceive? The universe. It is, apparently, still expanding (or it may have stopped now, I'm not sure how it is progressing at the moment) even though the universe is everything. Where does it expand to? Apparently they think it's going to shrink later. I don't really understand how that works because what about the space it took up beforehand? Where did that go? Did it just vanish from existence?
I kind of wish I was an astronomer, you know the science one not the horoscope one. If only so I understood these things.

I don't think there is anything concrete in this world that is infinite. Yet I love the concept. The universe is relatively infinite. The size is so huge (understatement), and contains everything we could ever know truly, and a lot of things we never will know ever, that it is as infinite as we can hope to achieve. Thinking about how huge that is, makes me feel pretty small. Not in a, I'm worthless sort of way, but in a humbling, ego reducing sort of way. At the same time while I am a speck of dust on a slightly larger (relatively) speck of dust in a huge black ocean full of glowing specks of dust and other specks of dust, some may even be tiny pebbles, I'm a pretty awesome speck of dust. I can do things. Humans can do things. We can create and destroy. We do better at the latter than the prior, sadly, but both are possible.

I love infinity. I love relative infinity. I love partial, incomplete, pure, unpure. I love the concept and the reality. Infinity is fabulous.

And from infinity I've realised I have one life. I don't see me getting a 1up or a restart button. This is it. I kind of want that as a tattoo. An infinity with a diagonal slash running through it. Showing that in the infinity of the universe and all of existence I have one. Just one. No more. I don't think I believe in reincarnation. Nor do I see it plausible to believe in heaven or hell. I just don't know where they would fit in, well anything. I don't mind if I am proven wrong. Heck that would be fine by me. I just don't think that believing in something past this is something I want to do. I don't want to live my life purely for whatever is to come. Nor do I want to worry too much about it. I'll take that when the time comes. I'll probably go to hell but hopefully a relatively mild area. But 'I'd rather go to hell, than be in Purgatory', to quote My Chemical Romance. The only thing that I don't think I could cope with is complete nothingness for the rest of eternity, although really I can't imagine hell being a very nice alternative. But I guess so long as I can look back and think 'well I didn't do everything right but I had fun and made a pretty good effort in life' then I think I can at least find solace in that wherever I end up, if anywhere. Mind you religion is a tricky concept (as really the afterlife is religion's deal). I don't know what I think about it. I don't have much to say on it aside from I don't believe in organised religion. I think I disappoint my mama on that because she would probably rather I was Christian, presumably CoE, because that is what she used to put on forms that requested it. But how can a multitude of people believe in the same thing when you can't prove it really exists. I approve of faith. I approve of people having faith in things bigger and higher than themselves because it helps them. I just don't know what I believe. Actually, watch Dogma on the matter. Kevin Smith has some useful comments on religion, ok so most of it is from a Christian perspective but that's just the plot. Some of the underlying stuff is pretty good. Also it has Alan Rickman in it so if nothing else that makes it worth watching. At some point I think I'll read the bible to see what the craic is. Maybe even try and get some translated other holy texts like the Koran and stuff. Read what these people believe in.

Infinity is wonderful, faith is wonderful, but at the end of the day it's only a concept. Like everything else.

The dead bird was just that. It was dead and smushed on the road. Life is short and brutal. Some more so than others. I guess that's where the previous came from. Or at least partially. The order is becoming wrong but that's what happens when you try to remember everything that ran through your mind. It just doesn't always come out the way it should.

So it started out with bus tickets and ants and birds with bruised shins and walking or maybe just with the creation of everything. But continues with the universe, life, self and the fact that eight year old children have iPods. I wonder if I'll work out any of this or forget it like many other things that I try to follow up with.

Maybe one day I'll go out on a limb and try and believe in something or at least, have an idea about it. Even if that idea is that everything is bullshit and pointless. At least it's something to work with.

I'm also considering going teetotal. But I think that's a different blog altogether. Five A4 pages of size eleven Times New Roman (bleh, what a boring font) is enough for now.

It's also 2:17 am on day two of writing this. Definitely bed time.