Saturday 5 February 2011

Narwals lost at sea, never seen again.

 1. I'm ill and it sucks. It's nothing even particularly bad, in fact it's really nothing at all. Just a sore throat and a bit snuffly but it's effecting my meds a lot. I'm even more drowsy and docile than normal and I'm excessively grumpy and stressy. I don't like it at all =(

2. I'm cataloguing books now, 80 done so far. It's not as easy to do though. My cds are located directly behind me and so it was just a lot of turning my head round to see the next two or three albums and writing them down. My books are... mostly everywhere. I've dealt with all the ones not on shelves (I think, I can't tell what is hiding under things in my room) and started on some of the ones I can see but then my bed gets in the way and I can't see the three main shelves of books and everything is double parked so I have to remove at least on layer to do this anyway.
It's ridiculous how much stuff I have. I know people who literally don't seem to own anything and I know people who are on par/worse than me and I wonder which is the better way forward. I know that really a happy medium is what we should aim for here but if you could only have it one way or the other (lots and lots of stuff but no space or lots of space but much less stuff) what would you choose?

The Last Unicorn Soundtrack
 Don't ask why I couldn't get it with an English cover... German was the only one I could get but the songs are all in English so that's ok.

So the music is dated, written in 1982, and you can hear that but in the same way that people enjoy listening to the early Disney music I appreciate this soundtrack for the simple reason that I love the film. It's beautifully drawn, makes believe that unicorns and other such creatures could exist and has some wonderful characters (notably the skeleton and the cat).
I picked up this album from amazon knowing that it was going to be purely for the title track, The Last Unicorn performed by America, but there are some wonderfully written orchestral pieces that I had forgotten. They are again very of the time of fantasy films but they're very nice, the word quaint comes to mind. Jimmy Webb is a composer I don't know much about and apparently is an American songwriter who dabbled in soundtrack scoring and classical music.
Basically if you liked the film then you will probably appreciate the soundtrack simply for memory sake but if you didn't care for the film the music doesn't have enough behind it to stand alone, unlike some of the music by John Williams, Hans Zimmer etc. I think it's good but it's one of my favourite films.


I might blog some more tonight. Idk it's a nice distraction from being ill even if I blog excessively as it is.

*hiding under a duvet*
Love Buttercup xxxxx

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