Tuesday 1 March 2011

Crimson and clover over and over, sing me something that I know, I wanna fall in love tonight.

Another slight gap in my blogging but for good reasons!

Last Wednesday-Saturday I was performing in my G&S show (the Wednesday was a dress rehearsal) and that has made me very tired. The show was really good. There were a few slip ups as there always are in shows but nothing major. On the last night the audience was amazing, laughing at everything and applauding wonderfully, our energy was really high and timings were good. This was quite a feat since a couple of weeks before the show we were a shambles. The Grand Duke was quite a hard choice I think because very few, if any, of us knew the show before this academic year. Doing a show that no one in the cast really knows is quite hard work. Much more learning is needed to be able to perform at any level and there is less enthusiasm in the songs as would be normally.
Really I only started liking the show a few weeks before we performed it and I especially only started loving my bit-part Supernumary role once we were on the stage properly. In fact that was the most fun I have ever had on stage because I was just being me. I was able to be fidgety and silly and that was my role. I will miss that scene now that I love it, but isn't that always the way.
I normally start enjoying the show from much earlier on but this year was harder and I think it was because I knew very little of it. I knew some of the songs from a previous summer show (but not with the same words) but I didn't feel like I had enough to hold onto until late in the proceedings. It was good in the end though and that is always the most important thing. I'm very much looking forward to performing HMS Pinafore in summer as part of the orchestra and as a sailor. It should be good fun.

We had an aftershow party. This was good fun. I got very very very drunk. After I had been given two cherry VKs that I drank simultaneously we proceeded to one of the cast member's house (my grammar is terrible here... sorry). I then had 4 sourz shots. That was the extent of my alcohol intake. I am a lightweight but I was more drunk than I had been in a while and this impaired my judgement. I chose, truly believing this to be the correct decision, to not take my medication that evening. Biggest error ever. I slept for an hour (6am-7am roughly), had my first ever hangover feelings (mostly that I was going to vomit everywhere), continued to be miserable all day and finished it off with breaking down by the end of it. So in conclusion I made the discovery that if I skip my medication for one day I feel really really bad. Worse that I ever remember it feeling. I have had the discussion with people that I don't like not feeling anything, that having all my emotions deadened is horrible and that I wish I didn't have to take these tablets but after that I don't think that way.
There were also almost constant panic attacks. That was pretty nasty too. Genuinely felt broken.

Basic message of this... take your drugs like a good person. Seriously bad times occurred.

I still feel pretty ill but I think that is a different reason. My throat feels heavy. It's probably a cold. ¬¬

Sooo... that was relatively heavy topicings for my usual happy go lucky blog but I believe that it is important to mention things like that. Let's see if I can't brighten it up though.
I still haven't dyed my hair yet... although I am totally all of the tempted to do it tonight.

Jimmy Eat World:Bleed American/Jimmy Eat World

Ok so a new review because it is about time that I did another one. This is possibly my favourite (along with a whole load of other people) by JEW but there is some confusion here. For a while this album was known as Jimmy Eat World and not Bleed American... one minute, wiki! Tell me why! Ok after the 9/11 attacks in America it changed to being JEW instead of BA and then in 2008 when it was rereleased it was reverted back to BA. Complicated I know but I can see their reasoning for changing it in the first place (I have the JEW titling in my collection in case you were wondering). The problem with changing it to JEW is that there was already an album and an ep under that name and it must have been a bit complicated when talking about it. You could mean any of these things and not made any sense. So on my iTunes it's under BA/JEW to cover all bases =D
Just some storyage there for you.
This album is beautiful. Punk pop. Brilliant lyrics. I don't think I have a single track on here that I don't like. It's a brilliant album. I haven't listened to it in a couple of years and I am being reminded of how wonderful JEW are. I might sit and review all their albums (not including their really early stuff because the quality isn't very good =p). I'll have to pick up their latest, 2010 release, at some point.

1. Bleed American/Salt Sweat Sugar: I'm not crazy because I take the right pills everyday
2. A Praise Chorus: (blog title)Where's it going to get you acting serious?
3.The Middle: Live right now / Just be yourself / It doesn't matter if that's good enough for someone else
4. Your House:
5. Sweetness: This sweetness will not be concerned with me
6. Hear You Me: If you were with me tonight / I'd sing to you just one more time
7. If You Don't, Don't: Someday maybe / maybe someday we'll be smarter / I'm sorry that I'm such a mess
8. Get It Faster: I want to do right by you / But I'm finding out cheating gets it faster
9. Cautioners: You'll change your mind come Monday / And turn you back on me / Take your steps away with hesitance / Take your steps away from me
10. The Authority Song: Tell me, I'm not scared anymore / Say anything you want
11. My Sundown: I could be so much more than this / Said my goodbyes // You'll take your time / But no one cares / lovely time, tinsel shine

See... beautiful lyrics. Just go find them on the youtubes and listen to them. Go and research and hear how lovely they are. The words can only give you so much. Hear the music to them. Listening to them now is like falling in love with them all over again.


There may be another post with more of their albums reviewed =D as it is I'm just going to put this album on shuffle and repeat and enjoy =D
Love from Buttercup xxx

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