Sunday 6 March 2011

How is this an RPG anyway?

So I've spent a lot of time on the internet recently and there are some thoughts to share so let's get the ball rolling with a video.

=D This is the one *taps hands on table*

Ok to explain. This is a flash video based on a review of a flash game called Super PSTW (Press Space To Win). Now this was something I was discussing today with HazyShade. The problems with grammar/spelling and extended topics. How correct do you think people have to be with grammar and spelling? I understand things like shops and dvds should be named correctly (unless there is an oh so witty pun happening and thus the "error" is deliberate) but what about when people post on the internet? I mean this guy has some pretty bad spelling but mostly the review was understandable. He was grumpy because he didn't like the game. What about small errors like not being able to spell words like necesary and ok I can't think of more words right now... but the point is, you know what I have written even though it is spelt wrongly. Is that ok? Is being able to understand what has been written without it being a major challenge ok? Or should we be trying to regain the perfect English that some believe we should have.
The spell check has destroyed people's need to understand spelling and grammar. I do think that people should have at least a basic knowledge of things but I've never really been effected by poor S&G (the other way round makes the initials of a delightful operetta writing duo that I know of =p) aside from when it's really bad, on official things and when someone has written something that I disagree with and I think that they are wrong and then I can laugh at them for that.
I have a lecturer that refuses to capitalise his name or the letter i when writing. Should he change that just because he is a lecturer? He understands the rules (at least I presume so) but he chooses not to use them. A well known academic writer has the name bell hooks [sic] and you would be wrong to capitalise.
So I wonder where the line should be drawn. I think I'm ok with typos (I do them often enough), and mistakes so long as it doesn't detract from the text. I think it is annoying when people choose to write solely in txt spk but that is mostly because I don't really understand much of it. It's the same as L337. It's fine in small doses and to the right people but overkill can be horrendous. Classrooms should enforce correct use of language simply because you are there to learn how to do this stuff but out on the internet? It's less important really. In the grand scheme of things.

I know a person who once said to me (when I was talking about how correctly they (technically incorrect grammatically) were using English on msn): If I am not going to take the time to write it properly then it wasn't worth saying to begin with.

I totally get that. I understand that concept and in general I agree with it. I used to never capitalise the letter I on forum posts because I was lazy and Word autocorrects but now I do. I made a conscious effort to change how I write because I wanted to be more correct when I typed but I don't believe that choosing not to is a sign of a lower intellect. It can be but isn't always the case.

Ok so that was pretty intensive for me... here's a picture!

It's a picture of the moon tonight  =3

Another internet related topic but more just a question and then rant.

Who actually makes spam emails?

I mean I get the ones where they ask for your bank details because you have "won $10000000" or because some bloke has died in a far away country and has decided to leave you all his wealth. I get people making those because out of the millions of emails they send out one person will probably give them the details because they are naive. But the ones that want me to join some dating website? Facebook or fuckbook? Wait what? You aren't even getting anything out of me going there. The most that you are giving me is a virus which isn't really going to do much because most people have an active virus killer on their computer. So where is the motive? Why do people do it?
I also almost understand the one that I keep being sent by "Blizzard" for my account details because I am changing my password or I have been accessing my account wrongly so ooh maybe someone is trying to hack my account! Oh no! I guess that would actually work if I had an account with Blizzard. I don't because that would mean I have an account with WOW and I don't play that "game" =p. (Actually I'm sure it is an enjoyable game and that I would enjoy playing it a lot and that is the problem. You have to pay monthly and that would be too costly for me. I would rather play free MMORPGS or just offline games. I might try one once when I have a source of income but not right now).
Are the spam emails that I sometimes get that make no sense from bots? Is that why they don't make sense because someone isn't actually making them happen? They are just a piece of code that sweeps the internet for your email address and then sends you rubbish about viagra, penises and porn? It doesn't help that I don't understand people sometimes.

Not my own image: Apple blossoms

So it was almost Spring today. The sun was shining but it was still a bit chilly. I had genuinely forgotten what it was like to be sunny. I had thoughts of summer times, riding my bike to the beach, picnics, suntan lotion. Everything came to me today. It was divine. I tend to forget what the other side of the year feels like. I want to walk around with my hoodies unzipped or even *gasp* around my waist! I am looking forward to summer. Anna-chan comes home and Elendil moves up here. I want a summer like I used to have, but way more! Seeing friends more than I should want to (=p), adventures galore, evenings with films, gaming and conversations, relaxing in the sun with someone playing guitar in case we want to have a singalong, butterflies, sand, staying awake until the stars come out and until they go to bed again with whispers and foreheads pressed together, barefeet, daisy chains, The Green Festival, icecubes in my drink, swimming, summer rain, going out dancing and not needing a hoody for outside, wearing skirts and dresses, sitting in the shade of a huge tree, feeding ducks, boating, photos, smiles, laughs, painting nails, sunglasses.

I want to be moved into a new house by then. I want to be able to chill out without worrying about contacting my parents to let them know where I am and when I will be back. I want to be able to walk from my friends' houses back to mine without worrying about if I have missed the last bus or getting a taxi. I want to be able to have friends round without needing to warn my parents in advance. I want to be able to play loud music during the day without feeling too guilty (although I would check with my housemates first!). I want to be able to choose my own meals in the evening, having rice and pasta salads and awesome meals with the people I am going to live with. I want to be able to say "hey just pop over to mine!" without feeling guilty that they have to get a bus there first. I want to bake fairycakes and cookies and not worry about if the oven is needed then or that it is 11pm and I just fancied doing it then. I want to go out clubbing and then at 3am stumble back home, with good friends, feeling a little bit more than tipsy to my own bed.

I just want to live dammit! Won't you let me live?!


Love you all, Buttercup xxx


  1. "I know a person who once said to me (when I was talking about how correctly they (technically incorrect grammatically) were using English on msn): If I am not going to take the time to write it properly then it wasn't worth saying to begin with."
    Was that me? It sounds like something I might say.

    I really get the thing about the summer. I think for the past couple of years at least I've thought to myself that this summer will be better, I'll do more stuff, hang out with friends more, etc... and then I don't. Organising things can be difficult when one doesn't like spending money on texts or phonecalls. And so I let it slip and before I know it summer's almost over and I've hardly done any of that stuff.

  2. It wasn't but it could apply to other people =) You do write very correctly on msn.

    And the saviour of this summer is that we all have much more solid roots within the internet realms. Like Ramina's old gatherings threads we can reinstate that with facebook... huh... *thinks a lot*
    I'll get back to you on that

    This summer will be better!

  3. I got mentioned ^_^

    Singular "they" (meaning it could be he or she and I'm not telling you which :-P) is perfectly good English, as attested by Messrs. Chaucer and Shakspear.

    I like summer. I'm feeling quite summery now, sitting in my t-shirt in the office listening to the cricket.

  4. I only say that the use of "they" is apparently not grammatically correct (although perfectly reasonable to use) as we were told that in uni. You should use he or she I think but I don't remember much of the conversation... although this is taken from an American so it may be different for them... although he is apparently very very good at grammar and spelling so... idk really

    And yay summer! *dances*

  5. It'd definitely perfectly good English. It's in the dictionary!

    I would be feeling a bit more summery right now if I could pull back the curtain and let the sun shine in on me, but then I would not so much be able to see my laptop screen.

  6. Maybe it was in a different context and I was just not paying attention enough to that part. Meh, it's a thing that has occurred in my presense at some point =p

    The sun is starting to set now which is sadface but it's 4.39 so that's not bad going =D

    Bathes in the sun's glory =DDD

  7. I swear I commented on this earlier...apparently not properly :P

    Anyways, here it is again:

    Woo, spelling and grammar are awesome. Just because we have technology that can correct our typing for us, it doesn't mean we should learn how to write correctly in the first place.

    Mew, I so want it to be summer now! I'm even more uber-excited about this summer than I was before, especially since today has been lovely and sunny and making me think of all those wonderful summery things we can all do together :D
