Thursday 3 March 2011

Come on, let go of the remote; don’t you know you’re letting all the junk flood in?

I dyed my hair yesterday (finally)... =D
For any readers outside my facebook friends... here is the colour =D gorgey no?  It's darker at the top where my natural hair has grown in and lighter where there is the last remains of a previous bleaching times... but it's pretty *is happy*


So I forgot to wishlist yesterday... whoops. It genuinely slipped my mind.

So here for one (hopefully) week only!


 Fair Parieeeee

First place I would like to go. It's a standard I know but there is something rather classy about it, at least in my mind. They have art and landmarks. I'd have to brush up on my very poor French though, although apparently they all speak English there anyway =p

Norway =D

Look how beautiful it is! It would be simply marvelous to trek a little over there. Just gorgeous! I'd probably go on a cruise across to there and pray that I don't get seasick! At least the first time I would.

Not just another cruise!

Nope this isn't for the travelling, for the different scenery or for anything aside from music! This is a photo taken from The Rock Boat that is, from what I hear, a five day cruise with almost non stop gigs played. Sister Hazel (they host it =D) play there every year and are often accompanied by; Aslyn, Carbon Leaf, Vertical Horizon, Tonic, Ingram Hill, Better Than Ezra and other such wonderful acoustic/alternative rock. It sets sail from Florida and has a different destination every year. I really really want to go, I'm hoping to save up enough money to make it next year (this year's one is this month ¬¬)

Mmmm snow =3 (altered photo because of possible broken linkage)

Ok last one, and it's another stereotype. I want to go visit New York. Specifically New York in winter. I want to see their Christmas lights, the snow in Central Park (picture) everything! It's just one of those places I've wanted to go for a long time. Apparently it's also really awesome at Halloween with the Halloween Parades they have there, they're huge!

Ok so enough of me drooling over pretty places that I want to go to and a review of a different kind!

Yes be shocked! L-R Chie, you (in my case Reki Xi) and Yosuke (BROsuke =p).

So I've started playing Persona 4. It's a Squarenix and Atlus game. Ah, Squenix you say! The Final Fantasy people! Yes, in short, but it is a series I haven't heard much about before. I've about 5 hours in and if you fancy playing this game I can give you the important beginning overview that is very important if you fancy playing this game.

The first 3-4 hours are almost completely interactive cutscenes.

Ok, that doesn't sound too good now does it? SE have an issue with making games that has become rather apparently since they started working in the FFX era of games (PS2+). They really really seem to want to make films instead of games. Films, animes etc. It's a small issue if you are a casual gamer like me. I'm ok with the fact they aren't doing too well in the gaming aspect of their games because everything else makes up for it but if you really like it to be a game and are ok with losing some of the really good story elements then this games is not for you. At all!

Interactive cutscene: it's in game graphics and you are having conversations with the character's (you choose their name so mine is a slightly unmanly Reki Xi) friends and associates. It's great for detailing plot but bad if you are looking to get straight into the action.

Simple opening plot? You have moved from a city to the small town Inaba where you are staying with your uncle, a detective, and his small daughter, who seems to do all the housework and shopping... it's a bit weird. You make friends with some of your new classmates and a rumour goes around about something called "The Midnight Channel". There are also some weird murders going on.
I don't want to give too much away, if you don't care to play it but wish to know more read wiki pages or something. If you want to play it go get it.

Aside from the interactive cutscenes, that I forgave because the plot is really immersive and interesting, there is one other aspect that some people may not enjoy. You join a school club (two if you are me and trying to balance everything at once) and get a job (which often provides money) and you have to increase your stats through interactions in these tasks. Knowledge, expression, courage, diligence, understanding. If these are two low then certain things are not available to you like conversations and other jobs. Everything takes time and you have to do people saving whilst balancing an average high schooler life. You can only do one activity in the hours after school and one activity (aside from checking the weather) in the evening that can be done at home or are a job. It seems like it will be a hard time getting the balance right, especially when people are telling you that you have a club to attend on the same day as another club that has also just told you that you should attend... but it's creating a different game style to the standard RPG style. I enjoy trying to make my characters better in these things so I'm really enjoying it, but it is another aspect that people should be wary about when starting this game.

I can see that I shall really enjoy this game, the characters are nice and not at all annoying. Everything seems to have a level of depth that is unusual in a lot of games now. There is humour especially at the beginning.
-He seems hurt
-You should leave him be
*walks off quickly*
The soundtrack is pretty funky, mostly being Japanese style pop and rock but with some interesting incidental scoring too. Graphics are mostly 3D anime with cut scenes being completely anime (the really pretty kind).
It's dark but still has wonderfully bright colours.

It sure is worth a look in if you know someone who owns a copy (thank you again Danzel) or if you can pick it up cheaply. It's also worth a look if you already like the Squenix games because really it is very SE. Just be forgiving whilst you wait for the game to let you play it.

I'll let you know how I get on with it =) but no spoilers ^_0

Love from Buttercup xxx

1 comment:

  1. The snow in Central Park picture does not appear to be working.
    I'm really not sure if there are any particular places I'd like to visit just for the places... I'd definitely like to go visit people in other countries but I figure there are good and bad places everywhere. Also I just love England.

    I don't see why Square don't just make movies actually... I mean, I don't want them to just do that, because I want Kingdom Hearts 3, but they really could make movies, given that the big selling points of the Final Fantasy games are the plots and the amazing graphics. The voice acting is pretty good as well.
