Friday 18 March 2011

What's in your wallet?

I love knowing about people. I love reading blogs by my friends so that I know just that little bit more about them. And something that I've always enjoyed looking at is the photos on flickr that people do of the contents of their bags. It's so interesting to see what people have on them on a regular basis. It's a bit like being allowed into a tiny part of their life. A glimpse into what they deem to be important when they aren't in their house.

So I've joined them:

Those are my bags. On the left is my camera bag which is now more often than not with me at all times and on the right is my favourite bag from River Island. It has lots of zips and is smaller than my rucksack so I carry less trash around with me =)

I think I might explain some of my items, just why I choose to carry around such stuff although most is self explanatory.
  1. Book/DS. Normally I only carry one or the other unless I am staying out somewhere. The amount of bus travelling I do means I need to have something to distract me... or at least the option of something to distract. Sometimes I just enjoy thinking. I'm currently playing Pokemon Black in case you were wondering.
  2. Camera. It's my old one. I took this photo (well a similar one) with that camera and had my Pentax one in the shot but it was so terrible looking I just had to have them this way round. I don't carry that camera very often anymore. I used to carry it everywhere but it's just not as good as Peregrin so I can only now use it at parties. Shame really... I used to think it was a fabulous camera.
  3. Purse and card wallet. They grey rectangle with a Norwegian flag on it and the purple rectangle below it (because it might not be 100% clear). I kind of want a new purse. I've had that one for years. It's got a temporary tattoo of my name in Chinese stuck on it that I put on years and years ago. It's impressive how long it has lasted really. Even if I don't have my bag on me it is rare that I don't have those with me.
  4. Dictaphone. The silver shiny thing. The uni lent it to me for recording my lectures so I nearly always have it on my anyway so I don't have to pack my bag for uni. I'll be giving it back soon though so it won't be there anymore shortly. Pretty nifty device though.
  5. Phone. This is my second phone ever. My first was a Nokia 3510, wonderful thing. Lasted all through high school and sixth form. This one has lasted all through uni (4 years). It's very swish.
  6. Tic Tacs. A slight addiction sometimes. I only ever buy the orange and lime ones, aside from when they were making orange and cherry :3 I don't like the taste of the mint ones but they do smell rather nice.
  7. iPod and headphones. I just got the headphones recently and it's encouraged me to use my iPod again. I use it a lot to go to sleep (I have a mini speaker for that) but my headphones aren't very practical especially now my hair is pink. My skullcandy can headphones are white fluffy and my earclip on ones are white as well... I don't fancy having a very pale tie-dye pink on them. These in-ear rapey ones are fab though. It's good to have music again in my ears when I'm out.
  8. Tissues, lipbalm, hand gel and moisturiser. The tissues are mostly because I've been hella ill recently but it's a good habit to get into. The lip balm changes on a regular basis. I was enjoying one I was given (a strawberry pot one) but I like to change things around and this one makes your lips all tingly like Carmex does. The hand gel is another habit to get into. Travelling around on public transport and then having food isn't the healthiest of things so I'm trying to be cleaner about that. Not OCD just less gross =p and the moisturiser is because I get really dry hands and when that happens I can't touch anything until I get some cream on them. It really sucks =(
  9. Pens and notepad. So I can make notes whilst on the go. Often make small lists of things to do. It's mostly because I forget everything ever! Mini calanders don't help me very much because I forget to fill them in but a notepad is just useful.
  10. Bus ticket. Because well... I get the bus most days out of a week. 
  11. USB memory stick. It came from Northumbria uni because they were giving them out free but it is a useful stick... there is a lid for it somewhere...
  12. Keys. I love my keyrings and I'm scared that I'll lose them some day but it would be rubbish to remove them purely for that reason. The frog I've had for years, since I was first given house keys. Mew was at most about 3 years ago. I bought it from a concert I attended. Gloomy bear was from Anth. I like having it there even though we aren't dating anymore.
That's the contents of my bag and a summary of the items. It's probably been dull to read but I find these things interesting so nyeh. I hope some of my friends also do this... although no doubt their bags will have waaaaaaaaaaay cooler and/or more interesting items in than I have. Who knows though.

I might do a proper blog at somepoint =p

Loves and hugs
Buttercup xxx


  1. Aw man I love tic tacs so much. Not to the point of carrying them around all the time but I do love them.
    Actually for a while while I was in Fenham I did carry them around all the time, as a cheap and portable alternative to actual food.
    Also, it's cherry and passionfruit, not orange don'tcherknow.

    I might do this myself. At first I was all, "Bah, this'd be really boring for me," but then I remembered the folder of stuff in my bag.

  2. Pfft whatevs maaaaan, I had those tic tacs like once because they didn't sell them in any shops near me =p I just really liked them.

    You should! Go do it now! NOOOOW! You never know what might happen!

  3. I like seeing what people carry around with them, for pretty much the same reasons - it gives you that extra insight into people's lives and makes you feel like you know them a little better ^^

    If I did this I'm not sure I'd fit it all into one photo...I carry a LOT of crap around with me all the time =P

  4. Do a multi shot then =p
    No one says you can't =D

  5. iamgoingtodothis!

    3. I did not know that was a transfer! I thought it was embroidered and meant peace or love or something :o
