Wednesday 21 September 2011

Blow bubbles with their gum, take photographs have fun, have fun.

Ok so it is the end of 20th September so here is what I have decided on shallow depth of field (sdof).
  • It is the focus I use most, without realising what I was actually doing.
  • It works best with a close up object or a definite focus object and less so with general area.
  • Works best, well so far, without too much clutter in the focus area but looks good with clutter in the unfocused area especially when it gets really unfocused.
  • Makes for good macro shots but need to try portrait and landscape more.
I didn't take too many photos these past ten days but I did take more than I have done so that's a good start eh? :p This is really my forte when it comes to my photos. I love macro work and so I've done a lot of sdof without realising it. It was good, however, to learn what the hell made it the way it is and I know how to do it on my ME Super which is good :D I can't wait to try it out on film instead of all this digital faff that I'm having to jump through hoops for. (Talking more about the conversion from DNGs to PNGs than my camera or actual digital photography. Different programmes process the image differently to each other even when I don't want any processing but still want a watermark).
On that topic I'm trying to do more photography that is known as SOOC (straight out of the camera). The hardcore nazi soocs will tell me I fail simply because I use watermarks but regardless on if people would actually steal my pictures I will always watermark because I am paranoid and over protective :p. Another issue I can see arising is that I have to use photoshop to convert my images into PNG and the software that came with the camera does not convert to PNG. They say to convert to JPEG but you are losing colour quality there so... I don't know. As far as I care they're sooc (well when I label them as such). It's that whole trying to take what I see and not thinking "well it looks ok but I can add some awesome filters and tweak this, that and the other and it will be fabulous!" No! I am attempting to be more creative and do everything without superfluous processing. Although if I see a gem that needs polishing I'm gonna polish the damned thing until it sparkles so much wor Eddy C is jealous and cries in a corner.

Ok... so the images I've taken. I've been uploading them to Flickr as I type, which makes the whole process about a million times longer than it ever should be. I'm also not sure on how to link the images from there to here. It's probably really easy but they try and make it not easy so people don't go stealing photos and whatnot.

Ok so it's easier than I thought to do that (I wonder if I should look into my security settings or whatever they are to make it so you can't download my images or right click on them ¬¬) (also I say easier... blogger is a bitch to use when you want to mess around with formatting that isn't just a picture, in the middle of the page, breaking up text).
So these are my four favourite sdofs. Personally my favourite is the raindrops (middle of the three to the left) because the colours and the focus really worked in that image.
Actually that day was good for photos. I had great fun just photographing the sky. Post storm is always a good time for sky photos.

Notice the first image is in black and white? I never shoot without colour and actually it was really fun to play with. I definitely need to understand my camera's settings more. Also I need to find out how to make photoshop process my photos less when I open files. It's being very controlling over what happens... especially when I want it to do nothing ¬¬

So there's my sdof attempts. It was actually harder when I was specifically trying to take sdof photos. I was looking for things that would make it good instead of taking various photos and seeing how they turned out but the next challenge should help me out with just going for a shot and seeing the consequences later.

For September: Part Two my challenge is to shoot from the hip. It's a challenge I actually found in a photography magazine. You set the camera to auto, don't look through the lens or on the screen. Hold camera about waist height (or wherever your hand naturally sits when at your side) and take photos. I think the idea is mostly to get candid shots of people without them noticing (although if you're using a DSLR then good luck on making it take quiet photos and being subtle :p). This isn't a technique focusing one. I really want to do it more because it sounds really really fun. And it's only for the next 10 days (for me anyway)!

Also Anna-chan (I'm replying on here because blogger replies don't work very well unless you have subscribed for replies to be sent to your email) don't worry about it if you fancy starting from the last one and catching up or whatever. Pick and choose what things you fancy if you fancy them :D as always I enjoy looking at your photos (this applies to everyone actually not just Anna-chan, you need to do what you want folks and I will enjoy looking at any photos that come my way :D).

photoshop and take lots of photos this part (wishful thinking).

Lemons for all


  1. Yay! I may well do. Also when I comment on someone's blog I tend to check back fairly frequently to see if they've replied, but maybe that's just me :P this way does make more it easier.

    Sparkly batteries <3, but yes the colouring works really well in raindrops. I like how droplets pick up colour. Also I like the use of black and white in a place where you'd expect bright colour. Funky ^_^

    I find that if I go SOOC most of my shots just look a bit too dark :/ but if I try to take lighter shots they get overexposed. Something to work on.

  2. Yeah I have that. Normally I want to tweak regardless because sometimes it's just fun to see what happens but also because it generally makes it look even better. But I'm trying to see what my photos look like without the tweaking. But again it's practise for my film slr.

    You can mess around with the exposure on the camera, it's tricky and normally gives me some really interesting effects but it might be worth looking into. The easiest way I've foudn to play with it is set to P then use the button that's got +/- on and the dial to change where the bars are on the scale with the +/-. It changes the exposure but doesn't change the iso. -ve is darker, +ve is lighter but the lighter it is the slower the shutter speed. You may already know all that but I thought I would tell you anyway in case you didn't =)

  3. Yeah I did, but it's one of the few things I do know so help always welcome :) I went on a walk at sunrise the other day and it was a really good chance to play with exposure because the light is constantly changing, so if you leave it on the same setting for more than a minute it's totally blown out. Good practice!

    I use Tv a lot. Especially with water recently. It's interesting. But I still need to get a tripod so I can take full advantage!

  4. Also speaking of really effective use of shallow DOF, a shot from a guy I follow on flickr:


  5. That is good dof. Less shallow than I was going for (but I was doing extreme shallow). I'm sad that the EXIF data isn't shown there (it would say what settings the camera was using) but it is still a fabulous shot.
    I should go out with my tripod more often... I just forget to. I need to photowalk with it and then that would be fine. I also need to photo walk some because I've got some new lens filters I need to test run. It's just working out where to go and when :P
    Aaaand I've been looking at lenses again ¬¬ le terribles. :p xxx
