Wednesday 22 June 2011

I encourage your smiles, I expect you won't cry.

So I've started this blog twice now and to no avail. My writing just isn't happening today so I'll just put some shiz down and hopefully write down that and make a better blog later. I just want to get writing again. But to that in a bit. Maybe this blog will write itself :)

So first off I've started a mini exercise regime. I've only been going a couple of days (today was day two so I'm being literal :D). I've been feeling terribly lazy so I've started just doing little things to build on core strength. I've got absolutely no core strength. I can swim for about an hour solidly (breast stroke), and I can cycle for quite a while so I know I have endurance. I can dance my way through Zumba no problem but when it comes to holding moves in T'ai Chi my legs shake and my arms ache. I have no real strength there. So I'm going with the basics and so far this is what I am managing:
  • 10 star jumps from crouching position
  • 10 push ups (from knees, not full ones but I prefer from knees so nyeh).
  • 10 squats
  • 10 sit ups
  • 3x10seconds planks
Yeah ok that looks pretty pathetic but I'm going to build up slowly and with what I have. I'm also going to play on my dance mat at least every other day and maybe start doing yoga at home. I'm just going to keep trying because I want to be fitter. I know that while I'm not terribly unfit, I could really do with being fitter. I'm also going to hopefully join a T'ai Chi group in Heaton and build on that. I've been terrible and not been going for a month or so whilst finishing my work but I would love to get it back into the swing of things.

I also read about a way of eating food, note this is not a diet but a thought process. But I think I will get back to you guys on that when I know more. It sounds interesting to say the least and things that are interesting are often worth having a look at :).

My Xbox360 has died, which is the ultimate of sadness, or it would be if I felt much. In theory it is very sad especially as Alice came on the same day it died. Seriously? The one game I've been waiting to play since I played the first one (although I didn't finish it because it was scary :P) and that's been since high school. And the instant it comes out, my console dies. It's just... a little frustrating is all. And to buy a new one is £180 and I'm not sure I can justify spending that kind of money at the moment. If I had a job then sure, I would go into Game and buy a sweet little 250gb slim and be very happy with my purchase, but as it is I'm just going to have to wait.

I was going to draw today but I never got round to it :/ I guess I may do some tomorrow. Got some designs to work out and then try out :D and I would like to do some general drawing. Apparently at one point I was almost vaguely competent at things like that. Now I'm not doing anything I think I will start to challenge myself more... if I remember. I should write a list!

Lists are awesome.

I'll upload some pictures if I get round to making any :)

I'm going to head to bed to read some more of The Beach by Alex Garland. It's rather good :D

Love from Buttercup

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