Friday 13 April 2012

You know we can't stay young forever but we can stay young for the rest of our days.

This is going to be a relatively simplistic post. I just feel like sharing is all, and with lots of pictures I hope.

 I bought this today. If I'm honest I'm not sure what the point in it is. I've never had cuticle cream (although cream is completely the wrong word as it's a solid block like vaseline) but I've wanted something from Burt's Bees for ages and this was one of the cheapest items. I must confess I have no idea what I'm meant to do so I smeared some over my nails and finger ends. No real idea if that's right or not but it seemed like the best idea. However regardless of if I'm doing it right it smells fabulous! Like lemon curd. Very nommy.

Another brand that I've been tempted by in the past. You know how you just wonder if it's a better product because it's branded? Or if it just means that you are paying extra money for no reason. Anyway they had a miniature and so I thought I'd also try this. I hate having dry hands, always have. It bothers me so much. Now my hands are even worse because of all the cleaning I do at work. This stuff smells a bit like sun tan lotion and so it makes me think of summer. It also makes my hands nice and soft so it's a win for that. I also picked up a mini cocobutter moisturiser because that stuff is excellent but makes me crave chocolate. I'm hoping that it'll be useful to carry around being a smaller size... I really have too much body lotion etc. already but I love different brands and smells.

I'm contemplating these two pairs of shoes. I really like polkaspots at the moment and apparently these converse are navy (I am rather fond of dark blue right now as well, especially dark blue and silver as a combo) but as is the case with cons they are expensive (£45 from Amazon because schuh has run out of my size). I also already own four different pairs of converse but I like variation. I'm also quite liking these Rocket Dog shoes. It's weirding me out though because they're floral. Floral?! On shoes?! It's just a bit weird for me. So I'm debatey. The RDs are £35 from Schuh and are pretty. I also know that RDs are comfy like the cons so either pair will be wearable instantly. They look like summer shoes and I'm rather about summer right now.

I meant to pop to Windows (although it would be unlikely that I would actually end up spending money in there on such an item because they are hugely expensive but actually I was going to go in for other things and reasons and now won't be back in town until... ages now. Rubbish) and then probably head over to Fenwick toy department and pick up a cheap metal harmonica. I've been meaning to learn harmonica since I was about 5 and daddy gave me one of his old ones. 
I have slight issues with learning it now because it seems to be overly popular right now as a fashion thing to have a harmonica (I do have a mini harmonica necklace somewhere too because I'm cool like that although there is a fabulous one in Accessorize which is in dark blue and I kind of want it because it's so pretty but also £12), like the ukulele was... which I sadly also owned one from an early age (inadvertently a prehipster). 
There's just something awesome about harmonica and I love the way daddy plays his so I keep meaning to buy one but do I buy a chromatic or a keyed one and if I choose to go with a keyed then which key do I choose? Argh! And they're sadly not very cheap anymore. Although comparatively to a classical instrument they're obviously in a different league :P

I now think I'm going to attempt to tidy my room because Anna-chan is coming over tomorrow and it's still a mess and then I'm going to paint my nails blue and silver because awesome colours.

Or I'll just sit on the Internet and "window shop" on harmonicas, purses (I want a new one and seriously can't find one I like. Spent a couple of hours just trying to find one... sadface), pokemon cards (I just got paid so celebrations!) and other wonderful things.

I really like shopping :D also life is currently very awesome :3

Love and lemons xxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Haha, I am so guilty of being a product junkie! FYI, next time you're in need of hand cream, Burt's Bees do an almond one which smells amazing.


  2. I vote for the polka-dot converse! They're super cute :)
    Also totally right there with you on the harmonicas - I nearly bought a case full of them with all the different keys for Will, but reigned myself in just in time!
